This can be outside or inside. Direct sun is much stronger outside than through a window. But regardless if you plant a plant in direct light that is not acclimated, it will likely burn. Make sure your plant requires direct light before you place it in it.

    If you are using grow lights, you will need very strong ones.


    Bright indirect light can be a bit tricky to get right... The best way to explain it is a full view of the sky but no direct sun rays touching the plant. (The exception is if it's only very early morning rays or late evening rays.) East and West facing windows are usually pretty good, but South facing windows are usually the best!

    You can also you grow lights to simulate this!


    Plants that prefer medium indirect light would prefer to be moved back away from the window (or grow lights) by a few feet.

    North, East and West facing windows are great.


    Low light does not mean no light! All living plants still need some form of natural light or at least a low grade grow light. You can keep low light plants quite a few feet away from the nearest window.

The first step to proper watering is... DRAINAGE! Your pot must have drainage to prevent over saturated soil. Plants do not do well if their roots have no access to air.

Some plants prefer to dry out completely between watering, make sure to take that seriously because they are very likely to rot if overwatered once.

Most plants like to dry out about half way. You can get a moisture meter to test the soil, or use your finger.

If a plant prefers to stay damp, you will want to water once the top of the soil is starting to dry.

There are even different methods to watering your plants... everyone has ways they prefer and none are technically wrong! As long as you fully wet the soil and allow it to drain afterwards.

You can shower them in your bathtub or with your hose (My personal favorite method). Alot of people like to bottom water. Or just water from the top of the soil.


Aroids do very good with a well draining soil. They are usually found under the canopy of larger plants or trees, so they also like to retain some moisture. Our chunky Aroid mix is perfect! It allows for extra aeration to the roots while also retaining enough moisture to keep the plants happy.

Aroid Soil Mix


Epiphytes are plants that naturally grow on other plants or trees. (Such as Hoya, some Ferns, Orchids, and Bromeliads. When growing them in pots as houseplants, you need to provide as much aeration in the soil as possible because they will be very prone to root rot.

I recommend our Hoya Mix for these! It contains chunky Perlite, Horticultural Charcoal, and Coco Coir chunks.

Hoya Soil Mix


These plants require very moist conditions and absolutely no nutrients. Because of this, sphagnum moss is a good medium for them.


Remember these plants are generally from very dry climates. They store water in their leaves to last them over extended periods of time. These need very good drainage! Perlite, Vermiculite, sand, rocks, and a little bit of soil works great for succulents.


Some of the other very common house plants like Peperomia, Pilea, Aglaonema, Prayer Plants, Peace Lillie's, and Ferns like a more dense soil mix. You can use a premixed "House Plant Potting Soil" or mix your own with potting soil and perlite added.